Milwaukee Road Historical Association
PO Box 307
Antioch, IL 60002-0307


Contact Us

Jeff Goutcher, President 
Bob Strysick, Vice President
Leo Dorn, Treasurer 
Kipp Meyers, Secretary
Kelsey Peterson, Company Store
Bob Storozuk, Curator
Margie Bahr, Office Manager

Notice: Any email sent needs a subject and signature from the author or it will be deleted as incomplete. Thanks!


Membership Registration

Use this page to sign up to become a new member, or to renew your existing membership with MRHA.

All membership levels include our quarterly magazine "The Milwaukee Railroader". Memberships are on a calendar year basis. If you join during the year, you will receive all of the magazines for that year. After October 1st, your membership will begin in the following year, but you will receive a copy of the 4th Quarter of the magazine of the current year. Regular memberships are $40 per year, Sustaining memberships are $80 per year (sustaining members receive a special pin) and Spouse memberships are $5 which include all rights of membership but no additional magazine.  Non-US members pay $17 additional to cover the cost of foreign postage for the magazine(Regular $57, Sustaining $97, added spouse still $5).  Renewing after the first quarter TMR goes to press is an extra $5 to cover additional postage.  Donations to special funds (Skok Restoration, Library Archives, IRM Restoration of Equipment and IRM Museum Expense Fund) are appreciated but not mandatory.  If you have questions regarding membership, contact to obtain assistance or further information.

In order to become a MRHA member or renew your existing MRHA membership, you must sign in with your website account. If you don't currently have an online account with MRHA, you will need to register an account before you can continue to become a MRHA member or renew your MRHA membership.

Please login or register to proceed.

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