Join or Renew MRHA Memberships
Visit our membership registration page to sign up to become a member, renew your existing MRHA membership, or create an account if you've already paid your dues.
Membership Renewal Time is Here!
Renew by Mail
If you prefer to renew your membership by mail, please download the MRHA Membership PDF file below. Just print that form, fill it out, and mail it in to complete your registration.
Registration forms are also in the 3rd and 4th quarter TMR magazines.
What is The Milwaukee Road Historical Association
All Aboard!
If you enjoyed the Milwaukee Road, or even if you've never heard the story of how this amazing railroad electrified its operations across five mountain ranges, we invite you to become a member of MRHA. Join with historians, hobbyists, photographers, and model railroaders in preserving and enjoying the memories and traditions of this famous company. Members come from all walks of life, and they're of all ages. The cost is slight, the return unique. An application form is part of this web site. As a member of MRHA, you'll automatically receive these benefits:
The Milwaukee Railroader Magazine
MRHA publishes a high-quality, color-filled 48 page quarterly magazine about the Milwaukee Road written and produced principally by MRHA members. The Milwaukee Railroader contains articles tailored for historians and for modelers. It reviews new books and tapes about the Milwaukee, and it reviews new models of Milwaukee Road equipment and structures. It keeps you up to date on what's happening to the parts of the Milwaukee that are incorporated into other railroads. You'll learn who has Milwaukee Road materials to sell and who might want to buy what you have to sell. Your subscription to The Milwaukee Railroader is free with your membership.
MRHA Annual Convention
Each year, usually in June, at a place which the Milwaukee Road used to go, MRHA members get together for a convention. There is the usual business meeting. But the weekend is also filled with historical seminars, modeling workshops, the always memorable live auction, and an annual dinner that features a speaker prominent in Milwaukee Road history. Where the location makes it possible, tours are conducted so you can see how and where the Milwaukee ran. The annual meeting of MRHA is strictly for members only - and of course, for members, spouses and guests. You won't be able to enjoy this memorable weekend with other followers of the Milwaukee if you are not a member of MRHA!